Project LEAP @ Damien Ministries

A collaborative workforce development initiative of Damien Ministries in partnership with the Project LEAP Workforce Initiative and the District of Columbia Department of Human Services.

Project LEAP @ Damien Ministries is a project of We the People Community Health Worker Corps & Coalition sponsored by Damien Ministries that provides a safe space and services to transgender, gender nonconforming and nonbinary people in the Washington, DC area.

Who is eligible?

  • Job Seekers who identify as transgender or gender nonconforming,

  • With a specific focus on those who are homeless or at risk of being homeless.

Services and Programs

Project LEAP @ Damien Ministries

Job Start Scholarship

  • TGNC Job Seekers who are DC residents are eligible to receive up to $1,200 doors to support them while they are completing vocational training or actively looking for employment.

  • Scholarship recipients complete 6 months of one-on-one coaching beginning with the Project LEAP Pre-Employment Institute.

  • Scholarship recipients also receive a clothing consultation with a wardrobe stylist to style them for an interview or the first day of work.

  • The have access to Leap “N” Lashes Beauty Artists to receive free make-up and eyelash styling.

  • Transporation assistance to job interviews and to work before receiving your first paycheck is also available.

Complete our enrollment form to request a call with a Project LEAP job coach.

Ready to Work Style Closet

  • Job Seekers who are in need of wardrobe assistance to prepare for an interview or starting work may request a clothing consultation to visit the Project LEAP Style Closet @ Damien Ministries.

  • Job Seekers complete a “get to know you” call or meeting with a Project LEAP job coach.

  • Receive a pre-visit style consultation.

  • Following their visit to the Project LEAP style closet, complete a follow-up call with a Project LEAP job coach to discuss their interview or first day of work.

  • Job Seekers who visit the Project LEAP Style Closet are also eligible to receive three months of coaching to continue to support them after they start working or continue to explore employment opportunities.

Emergency Assistance Fund

  • Job Seekers who are DC residents, identify as transgender or gender non-conforming and are in need of immediate financial assistance to pay a bill (such as rent, phone, car payment, health insurance premiums, etc.) are eligible to apply and receive up to $250 paid directly to the company or entity that is owed.

  • Applicants must complete a needs assessment call with the Project LEAP Client Engagement Manager at Damien Ministries.

  • Provide documented proof of the bill to be paid along with payment information.